Centennial Family,
I am writing to inform y'all of the Session's decision to hold digital worship services for this coming Sunday (3/22). Let me share a bit more.
This week, I and several of your leaders have been hard at work figuring out the logistics of live streaming a worship service. It will not be like our usual Sunday morning, but at the same time, it will! We will be trading physical gathering for spiritual gathering, but we will still be gathering around God's Word as God's people.
With that in mind, I would encourage y'all to join us online on Sunday around 10:45 in preparation for our 11:00 worship service! There are several ways you can do this/be reminded:
1) Click here to be taken to our church's youtube channel. Once there, simply click the red "subscribe" button on the top right part of the page. This will notify you when we "go live."
2) Also, on Sunday morning, we will email and facebook post the direct link to the live stream for y'all to click on and share.
In all of this, my hope is to have as many of our people as possible "gathering" together on Sunday morning. Our service won't be exactly the same, nor will it likely be as long. It might not be high def, and I definitely (with certainty!) will be entirely awkward in front of a camera.
But I know the God I serve and the people I care for.
Come ready to worship your God, to hear about our plan moving forward in the coming weeks, and to join together with the people of Centennial Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in spirit and truth.
"But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:23, 24).
Worship with me in spirit this Sunday, and God's blessings to y'all today,