2019 Centennial Conference on Prayer

FEBRUARY 8-10, 2019

Centennial ARP Church would like to invite you to join us for our 2019 Centennial Conference on Prayer. The conference will be held at Centennial ARP Church in downtown Columbia, SC. The Rev. Clint Davis (Chester ARP Church) will be our main speaker for the weekend. Alongside his three plenary sessions are four Saturday workshops led by local pastors and church leaders in the midlands area. The cost is simple for the conference, free! There will be a $5 optional lunch on Saturday. Nursery will be provided for ages 5 and under. On Saturday we will have a mini-conference for all elementary aged children. We hope to see you there. You can find more details as you explore this page.

***All audio from the conference talks will be posted to our website and shared across multiple social media avenues.***



The Centennial Conference on Prayer is set up to have a relaxed atmosphere, a focus on fellowship, and an emphasis on good practical Biblical teaching. Our hope is that those who attend come away feeling refreshed by the fellowship, nourished by the food, and with the ability to apply the biblical knowledge learned directly to their lives.


Check-in will be quick and painless. We will have tables set up to check you in and provide you with a name tag as you enter down the ramp by the parking lot. From there you will proceed to the fellowship hall.


There will be a nursery for children 5 and under provided each day of the conference.

Children’s mini-Conference

On Saturday, following the music portion of our first session, we will have an opportunity for elementary aged children to participate in a mini-conference for them. We will have crafts, games, music and a Bible lesson for them to enjoy and hear God’s Word applied directly to them.


There will be three times to enjoy food and fellowship together in the church’s fellowship hall. Directly following check-in there will be a light snack with time to mix and mingle. Upon returning on Saturday morning we will host a light breakfast. After the conference is over on Saturday there will be a $5 lunch held for all attendees who are desirous to do so.


There will be three plenary sessions led by Rev. Clint Davis,— one Friday evening, one Saturday morning and the other during our regular church service Sunday morning. On Saturday there will be four options for breakout Workshops. In these workshops four pastors and church leaders will lead and help apply our theme of prayer to specific areas of life. You will get to choose two of the four options (notice the two opportunities on the schedule to sign up for these workshops). You can find out more below.

You can find the full schedule here.

Plenary Speaker

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Clint Davis

Clint has been the pastor at Chester ARP Church since July 2004. After graduating from NC State University, he attended and graduated from Erskine Theological Seminary. He is the proud husband to Patti and the father of Sarah Grace and Joshua. Clint enjoys spending time with his family, traveling, watching and playing sports (particularly golf), reading, running, and sending text messages. He was born and raised in Gastonia, NC.

Workshop Speakers


John Rogers

John and his wife Ruth have been married 44 years and have two daughters, Lynn and Joy. He has served ARP Churches in Florida and South Carolina. They served as missionaries to Mexico with World Witness. He retired in 2014 from Edwards Memorial ARP Church in Cayce, SC.

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James McManus

James McManus is the pastor at Bethel ARP Church in Winnsboro, SC. He received his Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. James met his wife, Beth, through RUF at Winthrop. They have three children, Maggie, Hannah, and Patrick.

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Mike Kelly

Michael Kelly is a retired United States Army Chaplain.  He currently lives in West Columbia, SC with his wife and son.  Michael is a graduate of Brewton Parker College with a BA in Christian Studies, and Erskine Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry. He is involved in local ministry and he is the author of the children series entitled: Servants of the Great One and Coal’s Revenge.

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Jeremiah Thomas

Jeremiah Thomas is the pastor at Centennial ARP Church. He is a graduate of Erskine Theological Seminary (Columbia campus) with a Masters of Divinity. Jeremiah is married to Rebekah with one daughter, Mary Emmaline, and one son, Isaac Andrew. 

Worship Leader

David Huffman

David Huffman is married to Eve and is the pastor of Oak Ridge ARP in Heath Springs, SC. David is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary. He has previously served as an assistant to the pastor and youth director at Rowan ARP in Lugoff, SC. He served as the music director at Grace Presbyterian Church (ARP) in NE Columbia and has led singing at various retreats throughout the past 20 years.


Saturday Workshops


Missions and Prayer

Rev. John Rogers

The Lord’s Prayer

Rev. James McManus

Praying for your Leaders in government

Rev. Mike Kelly

Prayer and Family Worship

Rev. Jeremiah Thomas

***All audio from the conference talks will be posted to our website and shared across multiple social media avenues.***

Conference Schedule

The conference will be held February 8th-10th, 2019. On Sunday, February 10th, it will look like a normal Sunday morning at Centennial ARP Church.

Friday Evening

Nursery provided from 5:30-7:15pm


5:15pm - Check-In Opens
5:30pm - Fellowship and light snacks in the fellowship hall
6:00pm - Opening Welcome and Introduction in the sanctuary
6:15pm - Worship
6:30pm - Plenary #1
7:15pm - Dismissal

Saturday Morning

Nursery provided from 8:30am-12:30pm


8:30am - Check-In and light breakfast in the fellowship hall
9:00am - Opening Session in the sanctuary
9:05am - Worship
9:20am - Plenary #2
10:15am - Workshops #1
11:00am - Workshops #2
11:45am - Optional Lunch

Sunday Morning

Nursery provided from 10:00am-12:00pm


9:30am - Family Gathering Time
10:00am - Sunday School
11:00am - Sunday Worship Service

For more information about Sunday Mornings at Centennial ARP Church visit our visitor's page!

Register for the Conference

Fill out this form to register for the conference. Please take note that you have the option to register for one, two or all three days. The $5 lunch on Saturday is optional, but we would like to know if you are planning to stay for lunch so we can prepare accordingly.  We look forward to seeing you there!

 You can find us here!



Centennial ARP Church
1413 Laurel Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Contact us


About Centennial arp church

Centennial Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church is a community of Christian believers that exists as a praying, loving, nurturing family where Biblically based preaching and teaching emphasizes spiritual maturity and evangelistic outreach.