Conference Schedule

The conference will be held February 7th-9th, 2020. On Sunday, February 9th, it will look like a normal Sunday morning at Centennial ARP Church.

Friday Evening

Nursery provided from 5:30-7:15pm


5:15pm - Check-In Opens
5:30pm - Fellowship and light dinner in the fellowship hall
6:00pm - Welcome and Introduction in the sanctuary
6:15pm - Worship
6:30pm - Plenary #1
7:15pm - Dismissal

Saturday Morning

Nursery provided from 8:30am-12:30pm


8:30am - Check-In and light breakfast in the fellowship hall
9:00am - Opening Session in the sanctuary
9:05am - Worship
9:20am - Plenary #2
9:20-11:40am - Children’s Mini Conference
10:15am - Workshops #1
11:00am - Workshops #2
11:45am - Lunch

Sunday Morning

Nursery provided from 10:00am-12:00pm


9:30am - Family Gathering Time
10:00am - Sunday School
11:00am - Sunday Worship Service

For more information about Sunday Mornings at Centennial ARP Church visit our visitor's page!