Plenary Speaker
Dr. Gabrial “Gabe” Fluhrer
Dr. Fluhrer joined the First Presbyterian Church staff in October 2017 as Minister of Discipleship. Gabe grew up in Greenville, South Carolina, and attended the University of South Carolina. He was ordained at the Second Presbyterian Church of Greenville in 2008, having been on staff there since 2004. He received his Ph.D. from Westminster Theological Seminary in 2015. Prior to coming to First Presbyterian Church, Gabe served as the church planter and founding pastor of Shiloh Presbyterian Church in Raleigh, North Carolina, from 2011-2015 and the Minister of Discipleship at First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi, from 2015-2017. He has also edited three books published by P&R Publishers. In addition to his duties at FPC, Gabe serves as an adjunct faculty member of Reformed Theological Seminary. In his spare time, he enjoys hunting, golf, and Gamecock football. Gabe is married to Callie, and they have three daughters.
Workshop Speakers
Ali Mitchell
Ali lives in Elgin, SC, and is the husband of Tara. They have three grown children: Joshua, Alisha, and Bethany. Drawing on the experience gained from living in Pakistan for eight years, Ali is working with Ethne Outfitters (formerly ARPConnect) a ministry to Muslims in America, specifically focusing on assisting the ARP Church to reach out to Muslim people with the gospel of Christ.
Garison Taylor
Garison is the Associate Pastor at Tirzah ARP Church in York, SC. He is a graduate of Erskine College and Seminary. He loves to cook, run, read, and spend time hiking around in the woods with his family
Bryan Bult
Bryan is an the Associate Minister to the Elderly at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC. He is the graduate of Erskine College and Erskine Theological Seminary. Bryan has served ARP churches in Rock Hill, Greenwood, and Fayetteville, TN before being called to First Presbyterian Columbia. Bryan and his wife, Michelle, have two daughters and two sons.
Richard Fleming
Richard is the Discipleship Coordinator at Arsenal Hill ARP Church. He and his wife Patrice have been in Christian education and pastoral ministry for over 29 years. Richard counts it a privilege to invest his time and exercise his gifts in service to the Lord. Richard and his wife have three children Ross, Rebecca, and Ryan.